Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Free Writing

Watching a child being born was the best experience I have endured in life.  Watching my sister give birth to her second child had many thoughts running through my head.  This was someone that was part of her, a little creation coming to the world.  I could only imagine what her little boy was going to be like when he got older; curly hair or straight, funny or shy, normal or a genius? At the hospital I remember being with my sister when she started having contractions.  It was absolutely scary! Unlike the first, she wouldn't have to be induced. I knew that baby Aden was coming, but when?!  My sister, Heather, was bound determined to make it to Walmart before she got to the hospital.  She had to get those darn baby clothes that ended up being too small for the little guy.  After arriving at the hospital she was not given an epideral or any medicine when she was having contractions.  Neither the doctor or Heather knew how big the baby was going to be.  I remember clearly Heather pushing to get Aden out and the doctor watching tv.  Of all things, tv.  Every time she would push, Aden's head would pop out and go right back in, it must've seemed like all that effort had gone down the drain.  She looked really exhausted until the doctor told her the baby was coming.  Heather looked like she had an epiphany and worked harder and harder. Aden was born weighing in at 9 lbs 13 ounces! The nurse and doctor got him cleaned off and Heather held her beautiful boy.  

Riding on a train for two and a half days was quite an adventure.  I was with my two sisters and my dad.  Being in 6th grade I thought this was way cooler than riding on an airplane.  The first day was the day my sisters and I did all the exploring.  My favorite event was waiting for the doors to open between each of the boxcars and jumping over the cable from where they connected.  The first door opened to reveal a lounge with seats along the window and in the middle of the isle along with tv's mounted on the walls.  We watched the first Harry Potter movie that first couple of hours.  After the movie we went downstairs to the cafe to get some grub.  Never being on a train before I had no idea the extent of the cost of food.  I went first when ordering, I got a burger and fruit snacks, mine totaled $6.00! After the first day of eating the food I couldn't wait to get off the train and get some real good tasting food in my tummy.  Our first stop was in Chicago.  We had a three hour delay before our train would be on its way to our destination, Waterloo Indiana.  Looking at the way the city was versus a small town like Kalispell was definately a comparison.  One block would be littered with trash and the next would be clean as a whistle.  In Chicago there were tall buildings almost making me feel clasterphobic.  I liked looking up at the Sears Tower.  On our way back to the train station to board I saw kids no older than me running around, selling candy bars to raise money, how cool!  We rode the train through the second day and into the third the instructor announced we were pulling in Waterloo.  I will always think about the experiences I had on the train and the breathtaking views I got to observe and enjoy with my family.

When I was in elementary school I knew I was a shy kid compared to others.  Sitting in class if the teacher asked who had the answer I would know it but I wouldnt want to speak up and say anything for the lack of confidence and the feeling that I might be wrong.  I happened to be one good speller.  This was my last year in elementary school and I was looking forward for something that would make me remember it very well.  The geography bee had already passed and I kept thinking of the talent show or the spelling bee that was coming up.  Knowing I loved to read and I was a decent speller, I entered the spelling bee, not expecting to win.  When the day came for all the oldest classes to compete for the top 3 seats I knew one of them had to have my name on it.  When it came down to the finalists, I happened to be one of them.  Getting ready for the spelling bee that following week was nerve racking, and then the time came.  At school that day I kept thinking of a million words that were running through my head and how to spell them and sound them out.  The finalists were taken out of class early that day to go to the gymnasium and get ready for the competition.  As all 20 contestants took our seats the ultimate rush began.  I was speller number six.  When my first round came about I was given the word glucose.  With my teachers and fellow classmates looking at me I nearly forgot how to spell the word.  G-L-U-C-O-S-E.  It was correct! After getting the initial first word out of the way I began to feel more comfortable on stage and in front of everyone spelling the words that were given to me.  Then it came down to one of my close friends and I.  She was the winner of the geography bee.  I knew I couldn't break my concentration.  She went, correct! I went, correct! The final round was an all out battle for the title.  After multiple rounds of competing, I had claimed my victory and was declared the winner of the spelling bee.  At that moment I came to a realization that if I wanted something badly I knew it wasnt impossible.


  1. Dearest Melissa,
    I enjoyed reading all 3 of your free writes. It sounds like you have had some great experiences growing up. I wasn't sure what perspective you were writing your train adventure from, an adult recalling the situation or a child recounting the event. I felt myself coming up with visual images for each story. Thanks again,

  2. 1st Free writing.
    You were absolutely descriptive on the delivery of your nephew, you can feel the emotion in your sentences which is great. I found it very enthusing that you loved being there most people think watching a birth is awkward for some reason.My only question is why did your sister not take an epidural was it because she wanted to do a 100% natural birth or was she too far contracted.For a free writing it looks like you took your time preparing thoughts into sentences which may have hindered the other thoughts on the subject. I can relate to this in some ways because I sat in the hospital for 18 hours waiting for my nephew to be born, it took forever but it was definitely worth waiting!!

  3. 2nd Free writing
    I thought the most interesting thing that was stated in this is that you thought the train was more fun than flying, most people prefer to fly these days.My main question is why where you heading to Waterloo, I'm sure it wasn't to just ride the train!!Your style in this is almost as if you are reliving the memory as a child not as an adult reflecting on the memory, I'm quite honestly not sure if thats good or bad for something you would possibly write a paper on. I definitely cannot relate to this at all I have never flown nor been on a train.

  4. 3rd Free writing
    I think this experience was a great building of character for you because it taught you that any thing you put your mind to is plausible. There was a couple questions your writing left me with and that is what was your last year of elementary some places its 6th grade others 4th some even 5th, also maybe a little more detail on the friend like a name!!! Again the only change I would point out with your style is it was a free writing and it seems as if you put to much focus into sentences. I can and cannot relate to this, I am a terrible speller (thank the stars for spell checker)but I can definitely relate to stepping out of the comfort zone and doing a competition.

  5. I love how you included all of the thoughts running through your head in the first writing. Walmart? That is priceless,and soundless like a perfect opportunity to enter i so dialog ;) You have a great way of explaining the memories you treasured. I would love some more descriptions to help paint a picture in my mind to go with the story. I am rather jealous, I am a notoriously horrid speller.
